After speaking to Elena, I realized two things. First, America's youth will keep the dream alive just fine. Secondly, I want to help Elena. Below is Elena's story. Please take the time to read her information, and, if you are looking for a charity to "pay it forward to", please consider Care to Cure - they are helping St. Judes Hospital and making me proud to be an American. I have also included the link to Elena's You-Tube Video as well.
CARE TO CURE is the only student organization at UC Davis that is aimed at fighting against childhood cancer. We raise funds for children afflicted by cancer, spread community and campus awareness, and bring hope to these children and their families. We organize fundraisers, campus events, and create personal relationships with these children and their families by visiting them at different facilities. CARE-TO-CURE is affiliated with St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and is leading the Up 'till Dawn Project on the University of California, Davis campus. Up 'till Dawn is a student run and student led philanthropic program that unites students from all walks of campus life, staff, and the Davis community with the goal to end childhood cancer once and for all. Students help raise awareness and support for St. Jude Children's Research hospital through a variety of activities.
At the end of the program campuses host an all-night Finale Event and literately stay Up 'till Dawn. Students give up a night of sleep in honor of the patients at St. Jude who bravely fight cancer. We celebrate our efforts for St. Jude and, at dawn, find out much our campus raised to advance the mission of finding cures and saving children, so that patients can grow up and go to college, too.CARE-TO-CURE is also sponsored by Caprii Media, , an online marketing and web design company. Caprii Media has donated our brand new website, , which is currently under construction, and a marketing campaign, as well as funds for our upcoming events. To show an appreciation for the unbinding dedication provided by our sponsors, CARE TO CURE will dedicate a portion of our events to thank our sponsors, feature them on the home page of our website, and incorporate their name and logo on all of our brochures, fliers, and posters. Our sponsors are always welcome to discuss their venues at our events and if they are not available to make it, CARE TO CURE will be able to promote their organization for them! The events, fundraisers, and outreach programs CARE-TO-CURE wishes to accomplish cannot be done without the support and dedication of our sponsors that understand the importance in finding a cure for childhood cancer. CARE-TO-CURE is determined to raise funds to find a cure for childhood cancer, spread community and campus awareness, and bring hope to these children and their families. Please join us in the fight against childhood cancer.