This past weekend, I met with a business partner to brainstorm about a writers’ conference we are putting together for this summer. A few weeks ago, he had asked me to partner with him. This past weekend we met, and he told me his objective for the upcoming conference. The bottom line, “Butts in seats.” He kept repeating it.
Every time I came up with an idea, he shot it down. We didn’t have time to set up our own social networking site. He wanted to know what people were saying, but he didn’t have the time to answer a plethora of questions. That’s what FAQ pages are for.
Finally, he told me that entrepreneurial type people like us tend to be creative, but he needed to focus on the bottom line. “Butts in seats.” After about an hour of brain storming, I came up with a great idea. It worked. Simply, offer a four week e-course on social networking at no cost.
At the end of the four week e-course, instead of telling people they could pay a certain amount for the other 12 weeks of the e-course, we would let them know they could learn more at our writers conference.
So, what’s my point? If you want a great idea, it’s good to focus on your bottom line. It’s better to surround yourself with people who will hold you accountable and shoot down those ideas that don’t focus on the bottom line.
Until next week,