In the picture shown above, Dwight and Christy Palmatier, real estate agents with Re Max Real Estate in Fair Oaks, CA. present Jeff and Angela Pitnikoff from New Life Community church with a check for $600. The donation is to be used by the church to help the church provide funds for a church youth group.
The whole premise of Agentspayingforward is that you are able to profit when you help others. When New Life Church heard about the Palmatier's donation, their response was: "were going to refer them all the business we can, since they are helping us out: why wouldn't we?". Half of the money that the Palmatier's donated came from a program that my company has called the "Sharing Advantage Program. The program is part of Wells Fargo Mortgage's commitment to help the communities in which they do business.
Simply put, Wells can provide a donation of up to $300 to a non-profit organization, school, or church when you close a loan with Wells Fargo Mortgage. Since I work for Wells Fargo, I made sure that Dwight and Christy were able to give it to their charity: I hope that shows that I want to be a partner in their success.
I'm proud of the fact that I can give to the community, and I'm also proud of the fact that I can leave a legacy behind me. I want as many people to join Agentspayingforward, so that they can do business with a purpose that transcends just making money: changing the world one transaction at a time!
I hope that when I die people will say that Tom's actions showed that he truly was of service. You don't have to do business with me or Wells Fargo, but certainly it's great if you do. However, I hope you do business with the purpose of helping others out: you might be surprised what happens!
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